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Summer Reading: First & Second Grades

a list of books for ages 2 through 14.

Series Suggestions

  • Mercy Watson
  • Horrible Harry
  • George and Martha
  • Nancy Drew – clue crew
  • Owl Diaries
  • Who Would Win

Not Quite Ready for Harry Potter?

Log your books!

Once you have an account (email Mrs. Quarterman for a username and password), log your reading via Biblionasium!

Here's a review example using the "I Like / I Wish / I Wonder" format:

Out of a Jar by Deborah Marcero

  • I liked the colorful illustrations.
  • I wish I knew what Llewellyn said to Max at the end.
  • I wonder if she will write more books about Llewellyn the rabbit.

Choosing a Good-Fit Book

Five Finger Rule

The easiest way to determine if a book is at an appropriate independent reading level for your child is to use the “five finger” rule

  • Have your child begin reading out loud, for about 5-10 sentences (or 1 page)
  • Raise one finger each time they significantly struggle with a word
  • If they reach the end of the prescribed reading range before raising all five fingers, the book is written at a comfortable level for independent reading.
  • If it is determined the book is not at an independent reading level for the child but they still want to read it, make it a read aloud book instead!
Tips for Choosing a Good Book
  • A good book is one a child enjoys reading.
  • Keep your child’s interests and reading level in mind.
  • Encourage them to select books on their own as soon as they show preferences.
  • Let them pick two kinds of books if they consistently choose books that are not at their independent reading level—one to read with you and one to read on their own.
  • Talk with your child, their input will help you guide them to good books. Let them look through a book and decide if this is a book they want to read in its entirety. If they don’t like a book after reading a chapter or a few pages, pick another one.
Reading is Fundamental—
American Library Association—
The Read Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease, 5th edition, 2001

Summer Reading Lists