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St. Thomas Library: Birthday Books

What are Birthday Books?

What's the origin of St. Thomas School Library Birthday Books?

Traditionally, during St. Thomas School Book Fair Week, the St. Thomas School Librarians would create “Birthday Books” table filled with books selected to fill a need in our school. The catch-all term, “Birthday Books,” described any new books that are purchased and donated to the St. Thomas School Library for birthdays, memorials, or other reasons. These books received a bookplate on the inside cover that indicated whom the gift is honoring and the year it is given. While the method may have changed, we love having students find their "Birthday" book and the "Birthday" books of their friends in the library.   


St. Thomas Library Birthday Books

Since our book fairs for the last few years have been virtual, we have created a Wishlist through Amazon (primarily because it allows books to be removed once they are purchased). Once a book is purchased, families fill out a form for the Librarians, letting them know to make a name plate for the book. If you have any questions, please email


Nameplate Example

Birthday Books Message Form